
Initialize Session

Request URL

  • POST /v1/initClient

Request Parameters

Request Fields

robotIdIntegerfalseRobot ID, the identifier of the current session's robot.
channelIdIntegerfalseChannel ID, the identifier of the current session's channel.
modelKeyStringtrueFAQ template ID, viewable in 'KM - Robot - Knowledge Base Management - Recommendation - ID'.
accessKeyIdStringtrueApplication ID of the integration settings, corresponding to the appID field obtained in 'KM - Management - Application Management - App ID'.
platformIntegertrueChannel: 0: Web, 1: Normal WeChat, 2: Android, 3: iOS, 4: Weibo, 5: Customer Service System API, 6: Multi-merchant, 7: WeChat Mini Program, 8: Enterprise WeChat.
customerMaptrueCustomer information.
shortcutCustomIdStringtrueCustom ID for shortcut entry.

Structure of customer

	"id": "Customer ID",
	"nickname": "Customer Name",
	"ip": "Customer IP",
	"province": "Province of IP",
	"city": "City of IP",
	"orgName": "Company Name",
	"email": "Customer Email",
	"phone": "Customer Phone",
	"tags": "Customer Tags",
	"desc": "Description",
	"level": "Customer Level",
	"platform": "Channel",
	"src": "Source",
	"srcUrl": "Source URL",
	"webPluginName": "Source Plugin",
	"keyword": "Search Keyword",
	"generatedChannel": "Custom Channel Information",
	"loginUrl": "Access Landing Page",
	"sessionUrl": "Conversation Start Page",
	"weChatOpenId": "WeChat OPENID",
	"c_cf_dialogueDesc": "Dialogue Description (Usage: Refer to the webhook task push-type interface)"


codeIntegerStatus code
messageStringReturn message
dataObjectReturn data


sessionIdIntegerSession ID
logIdIntegerID returned by the robot
welcomeMessageStringWelcome message
leadingWordStringLeading word
commonQuestionModelObjectCommon question model


nameStringModel name
channelIdIntegerChannel ID
modelKeyStringFAQ template ID
commonQuestionCategoryListArrayList of common question categories
shortcutEntryListArrayList of shortcut entries


idIntegerCategory ID
modelIdIntegerCommon question model ID
nameStringDirectory name
sortsIntegerReserved sorting field
questionListArrayList of common questions under the category


idIntegerID of the question
contentStringContent of the question
typeIntegerType: 1 - Normal question, 4 - Chat question
answer.contentStringAnswer content
answer.typeIntegerAnswer type
answer.idIntegerAnswer ID


modelIdIntegerID of the shortcut entry
typeIntegerType: 1 - Text, 2 - Link
nameStringEntry name
picStringImage URL
sortsIntegerReserved sorting field
isDefaultIntegerWhether it is default


$ curl 'https://km.udesk.cn/api/v1/initClient?email=admin@udesk.cn&timestamp=1529402445&sign=fbe02e2b9f76179da49ea619cbabdde909b73a2f' -i -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -d '{
  "robotId" : 103,
  "channelId" : 106,
  "modelKey" : "

  "accessKeyId" : "/+7772AKE6kv8AVNjWqP",
  "platform" : 5,
  "customer" : null


    "code": 200,
    "message": "OK",
    "visible": false,
    "exception": null,
    "paging": null,
    "data": {
        "sessionId": 451724,
        "logId": 793020,
        "welcomeMessage": "Hello ,I'm glad to serve you.!",
        "leadingWord": "Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)",
        "commonQuestionList": [],
        "commonQuestionModel": {
            "id": 108,
            "name": "Default frequently asked questions",
            "description": "Common questions",
            "commonQuestionCategoryList": [
                    "id": 76,
                    "modelId": 108,
                    "name": "111",
                    "questionList": [
                            "id": 8645,
                            "content": "How to handle social security, what are the main guiding options?",
                            "type": 1,
                            "answer": {
                                "content": "<p>Make a phone call 12345</p>",
                                "type": 2,
                                "id": 4436
                            "id": 8647,
                            "content": "How to handle social security",
                            "type": 1,
                            "answer": {
                                "content": "<p>Online inquiry</p>",
                                "type": 2,
                                "id": 4437

Click Flow Interface

Request URL

  • POST /v1/flow

Request Parameters

Request Fields

sessionIdIntegerfalseSession ID, the identifier of the current session, obtained when initializing the session (/api/initClient).
logIdIntegertrueIdentifier of the log where the flow click is located, provided by the robot when returning.
flowIdIntegertrueFlow identifier, provided in the flow content (flowContent) returned by the robot.
flowContentStringtrueSpecific flow content.


codeIntegerStatus code
messageStringReturn message
dataObjectSession information


sessionIdIntegerSession ID
logIdIntegerID returned by the robot
flowIdIntegerFlow ID, valid when returning the flow
flowTitleStringFlow title, valid when returning the flow
flowContentStringFlow content, valid when returning the flow
restrictionStateObjectInteraction limit state
restrictionState.exceededFlagIntegerExceeding limit flag [0: normal / 1: exceeded]
restrictionState.usedCountIntegerNumber of used interactions
restrictionState.totalCountIntegerTotal limit count


$ curl 'https://km.udesk.cn/api/v1/flow?email=admin@udesk.cn&timestamp=1529402444&sign=17dfc106671e1cd2442ba6e61c778aac86bb3035' -i -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -d '{
  "sessionId" : 450285,
  "logId" : 785709,
  "flowId" : 42,
  "flowContent" : "<p>11111</p><p>22222</p><p>33333</p>"


    "code": 200,
    "message": "OK",
    "visible": false,
    "data": {
        "sessionId": 28905,
        "logId": 793020,
        "flowId": 285,
        "flowTitle": "Process issue",
        "flowContent": "<p>1111</p>",
        "suggestQuestionList": [],
        "restrictionState": {
            "exceededFlag": 0,
            "usedCount": 32,
            "totalCount": 1000000

Failure Reasons

  "code": 400,
  "message": "{specific exception information}",
  "visible": false
"sessionId does not exist! Please reinitialize"The conversation corresponding to sessionId does not exist
"【...】javax.validation.constraints.NotNull.message"The specific field cannot be empty
"The system could not find the process"The process corresponding to flowId does not exist

Click Question Behavior Interface

Request URL

  • POST /v1/hit

Request Parameters

Request Fields

sessionIdIntegerfalseIdentifier of the current session.
queryTypeIntegertrueUser click type enumeration. Possible values: 6, 7, 8, 9.
logIdIntegertrueIdentifier of the log where the user click behavior is located.
questionIdIntegertrueID of the clicked question.
questionContentStringtrueContent of the clicked question.
contentTypeStringtrueEnumeration: text, rich. If it is text, the ansContent will be converted from rich text to plain text.
hitSourceIntegertrue1. Message from shortcut entry, 2. Click on button text, 3. Structured message from product list.


codeIntegerResult code
messageStringResult description
dataObjectSession information


sessionIdIntegerSession ID
logIdIntegerID returned by the robot
ansContentVarContent of the corresponding answer
ansTypeIntegerAnswer type
attachmentListArrayList of question attachments
attachmentList[].nameStringName of the question attachment
attachmentList[].addressStringLink of the question attachment
attachmentList[].sizeIntegerSize of the question attachment
flowIdIntegerFlow ID, valid when returning the flow
flowTitleStringFlow title, valid when returning the flow
flowContentStringFlow content, valid when returning the flow
hitQuestionStringQuestion recalled
msgTypeStringAnswer type
switchStaffTypeInteger1. Recommended switch to human, 2. Switch to human if conditions are met, 3. Send message
switchStaffAnswerStringMessage for switching to human
suggestQuestionListArrayList of suggested questions
suggestQuestionList[].idIntegerID of the suggested question
suggestQuestionList[].contentStringContent of the suggested question
suggestQuestionList[].typeIntegerType of the suggested question
suggestQuestionList[].answerObjectAnswer of the suggested question
suggestQuestionList[].answer.contentStringContent of the suggested question's answer
suggestQuestionList[].answer.typeIntegerType of the suggested question's answer
suggestQuestionList[].answer.idIntegerID of the suggested question's answer
aidIntegerID of the corresponding answer, valid when returning the answer


$ curl 'https://km.udesk.cn/api/v1/hit?email=admin@udesk.cn&timestamp=1529402439&sign=2c8f96911159fae72a493365a9692ce66c5c2b5d' -i -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -d '{
  "sessionId" : 450283,
  "queryType" : 7,
  "logId" : 785703,
  "questionId" : 232,
  "questionContent" : "Whose fan?"


    "code": 200,
    "message": "OK",
    "visible": false,
    "exception": null,
    "paging": null,
    "data": {
        "sessionId": 451727,
        "logId": 793031,
        "ansContent": "<p>Unpeaceful</p>\n<p><audio style=\"display: none;\" controls=\"controls\"></audio></p>\n<p><audio style=\"display: none;\" controls=\"controls\"></audio></p>",
        "attachmentList": [],
        "suggestQuestionList": [
                "id": 8657,
                "content": "Where in the world is peaceful?",
                "type": 1,
                "answer": {
                    "content": "<p>No</p>\n<p><audio style=\"display: none;\" controls=\"controls\"></audio></p>",
                    "type": 2,
                    "id": 4442,
                    "deleteFlag": 0
                "id": 9259,
                "content": "Where do you want to go?",
                "type": 1,
                "answer": {
                    "content": "<p>New York</p>\n<p><audio style=\"display: none;\" controls=\"controls\"></audio></p>",
                    "type": 2,
                    "id": 5009,
                    "deleteFlag": 0
        "aid": 4441

Failure Reasons

  "code": 400,
  "message": "{specific exception information}",
  "visible": false
"sessionId does not exist! Please reinitialize"The conversation corresponding to sessionId does not exist
"【...】javax.validation.constraints.NotNull.message"The specific field cannot be empty

Get Session Window - Frequently Asked Questions List

Request URL

  • POST /v1/chat/commonQuestions

Request Parameters

Request Fields

robotIdIntegerfalseRobot ID
channelIdIntegerfalseScene ID
modelKeyStringfalseCommon problem template ID, view in 'km-robot-knowledge base management-common questions-ID'


codeIntegerResult code
messageStringResult description
dataArrayList of common questions information
data[].idIntegerCategory ID of the common questions list
data[].modelIdIntegerTemplate ID of the common questions list
data[].nameStringCategory name of the common questions list
data[].questionListArrayCommon questions under the category
data[].questionList[].idIntegerQuestion ID
data[].questionList[].contentStringQuestion content
data[].questionList[].typeIntegerType 1: normal question, 4: chit-chat question, 5: message
data[].questionList[].answer.contentStringAnswer content
data[].questionList[].answer.typeIntegerAnswer type
data[].questionList[].answer.idIntegerAnswer ID


$ curl 'https://km.udesk.cn/api/v1/chat/commonQuestions?email=admin@udesk.cn&timestamp=1529569037&sign=4bc33f53e473d6db70e900fb07b947a9ee18f905' -i -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -d '{
  "robotId" : 112,
  "channelId" : 118,
  "modelKey" : "aaa"


    "code": 200,
    "message": "OK",
    "visible": false,
    "exception": null,
    "paging": {
        "pageNum": 1,
        "pageSize": 1,
        "total": 1
    "data": [
            "id": 76,
            "modelId": 108,
            "name": "111",
            "questionList": [
                    "id": 8645,
                    "content": "How to choose the main guidance for handling social security?",
                    "type": 1,
                    "answer": {
                        "content": "<p>make call 12345</p>",
                        "type": 2,
                        "id": 4436
                    "id": 8647,
                    "content": "How to handle social security",
                    "type": 1,
                    "answer": {
                        "content": "<p>Online inquiry</p>",
                        "type": 2,
                        "id": 4437

Get Session Window - Hot Questions List

Request URL

  • POST /v1/chat/hotQuestions

Request Parameters

Request Fields

limitDayNumIntegerfalseNumber of days (no more than 100)
limitResultNumIntegerfalseMaximum number of records returned (no more than 50)
robotIdIntegerfalseRobot ID


codeIntegerResult code
messageStringResult description
dataArrayList of questions
data[].idIntegerQuestion ID
data[].contentStringQuestion content
data[].typeIntegerQuestion type
data[].answer.contentStringAnswer content
data[].answer.typeIntegerAnswer type
data[].answer.idIntegerAnswer ID
data[].matchCountIntegerMatching count


$ curl 'https://km.udesk.cn/api/v1/chat/hotQuestions?email=admin@udesk.cn&timestamp=1529569036&sign=27bfe3f1ece19e13b03ff669d30830322ae4cfa3' -i -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -d '{
  "limitDayNum" : 100,
  "limitResultNum" : 2,
  "robotId" : 83


    "code": 200,
    "message": "OK",
    "visible": false,
    "exception": null,
    "paging": {
        "pageNum": 1,
        "pageSize": 2,
        "total": 2
    "data": [
            "id": 844,
            "content": "Who are you?",
            "type": 1,
            "answer": {
                "content": "I'm robot",
                "type": 2,
                "id": 552
            "matchCount": 24
            "id": 9426,
            "content": "example content",
            "type": 3,
            "answer": {
                "content": "123",
                "type": 1,
                "id": 5124
            "matchCount": 13

Evaluate Robot's Answer

Request URL

  • POST /v1/surveyQuestion

Request Parameters

Request Fields

sessionIdIntegerfalseSession ID
questionSurveyOptionIdIntegerfalseEvaluation option: 1 for satisfied, 2 for unsatisfied
logIdIntegertrueID of the record where the answer to be evaluated is located, obtained from the robot's response


codeIntegerExecution status code
messageStringExecution result explanation


$ curl 'https://km.udesk.cn/api/v1/surveyQuestion?email=admin%40udesk.cn&timestamp=1529402453&sign=de8f53541749eb530fc006941d6af1af4e917067' -i -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -d '{
  "sessionId" : 450289,
  "questionSurveyOptionId" : 1,
  "logId" : 785716


  "code" : 200,
  "message" : "OK",
  "visible" : false

Possible Failure Reasons

  "code": 400,
  "message": "{specific error message}",
  "visible": false
This reply has been evaluated!The conversation has already been evaluated
The relationship between sessionId and sessionLogId does not exist!logId does not belong to the corresponding sessionId
sessionId does not exist! Please reinitializeThe conversation corresponding to sessionId does not exist
javax.validation.constraints.NotNull.message{specific field} cannot be null

Evaluate Robot Session

Request URL

  • POST /v1/surveySession

Request Parameters

Request Fields

sessionIdIntegerfalseSession ID
sessionSurveyOptionIdIntegertrueEvaluation option: 1 for not evaluated, 2 for satisfied, 3 for neutral, 4 for unsatisfied
surveyContentStringtrueEvaluation content


codeIntegerExecution status code
messageStringExecution result information
dataObjectReturned content
data.switchStaffTypeInteger1. Display guide language for WeChat channel, 2. Switch to human when conditions are met
data.switchStaffTipsStringTip for switching to human


$ curl 'https://km.udesk.cn/api/v1/surveySession?email=admin@udesk.cn&timestamp=1529402455&sign=d4be213127c62bb5b53dea5f5e52eaad06b2362f' -i -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -d '{
  "sessionId" : 450290,
  "sessionSurveyOptionId" : 4,
  "surveyContent" : "hehe"


  "code" : 200,
  "message" : "OK",
  "visible" : false

General Conversation

Request URL

  • POST /v1/chat

Request Parameters

Request Fields

sessionIdIntegerfalseSession ID: obtained during session initialization (/api/initClient)
robotIdIntegerfalseRobot ID: identification ID for this session's robot
queryContentStringfalseUser query content
channel_idIntegertrueKnowledge base scene ID
weixin_openidStringtrueWeChat openid
contentTypeStringtrueText type: If the value is "text", ansContent will be converted from rich text to plain text
chatModeIntegertrueChat mode: 1 for intelligent mode, 2 for task-based conversation, 3 for FAQ, 4 for knowledge base


codeIntegerExecution status code
messageStringExecution result explanation
dataObjectConversation information
data.sessionIdIntegerSession ID
data.logIdIntegerLog ID returned by the robot
data.enableAppraiseBooleanWhether the conversation allows evaluation
data.ansContentStringContent of the corresponding answer
data.ansTypeIntegerAnswer type
data.msgTypeStringText type of the answer
data.switchStaffTypeInteger1. Recommend switch to human, 2. Switch to human when conditions are met, 3. Send message
data.switchStaffAnswerStringMessage for switching to human
data.suggestQuestionListArraySuggested question list


$ curl 'https://km.udesk.cn/api/v1/chat?email=admin@udesk.cn&timestamp=1529402441&sign=08bea0badd00d36c432320fc3760fc419154b40d' -i -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -d '{
  "sessionId" : 451714,
  "robotId" : 54,
  "queryContent" : "Mobile phone price",
  "contentType" : null,
  "chatMode" : null,
  "channel_id" : null,
  "weixin_openid" : null


  "code" : 200,
  "message" : "OK",
  "visible" : false,
  "data" : {
    "sessionId" : 451714,
    "logId" : 793005,
    "ansContent" : "Your questions inspire me to keep learning and improving. I look forward to providing you with better service next time.",
    "ansType" : 6,
    "msgType" : "plain",
    "suggestQuestionList" : [ ]

Possible Failure Reasons

  "code": 400,
  "message": "{specific error message}",
  "visible": false
sessionId does not exist! Please reinitializeThe conversation corresponding to sessionId does not exist
Question content cannot be emptyqueryContent cannot be empty

Different Examples for data.ansType

  • ansType indicates the hit business type, which has no direct relationship with the message content
1Return answer
3Return suggestion list
4Return greeting
6Return unknown
7Click-type message
8Sensitive word
9Message-triggered webhook
10Knowledge graph node
11Task-based dialogue
12Database dialogue
14Database full attribute response
15Knowledge graph
16Reading comprehension answer
17Reading comprehension suggestion
18Reading comprehension guide selection
19Special message
20Database Q&A
21Transfer to human intent
22New task-based dialogue button
23New version task-based dialogue
24Active solicitation
25Enterprise search

Intelligent Assistant

Request Endpoint

  • POST /v1/assist

Request Parameters

Request fields

robotIdIntegerfalseRobot ID.
channelIdIntegerfalseChannel ID.
queryContentStringtrueContent of the query.

Response Result

codeIntegerExecution result code.
messageStringExecution result description.
dataObjectSession information.
data.sessionIdIntegerSession ID.
data.logIdIntegerIdentifier ID for the robot's log.
data.ansContentStringContent of the corresponding answer returned.
data.ansTypeIntegerAnswer type.
data.flowIdIntegerFlow ID, valid when returning a flow.
data.flowTitleStringFlow title, valid when returning a flow.
data.flowContentStringFlow content, valid when returning a flow.
data.hitQuestionStringRecalled question.
data.msgTypeStringText type of the answer.
data.switchStaffTypeInteger1. Display guide language on WeChat channel 2. Switch to manual when conditions are met.
data.switchStaffTipsStringSwitch to manual prompt.
data.suggestQuestionListArrayList of suggested questions.
data.suggestQuestionList[].idIntegerIdentifier ID of the suggested question.
data.suggestQuestionList[].contentStringContent of the suggested question.
data.suggestQuestionList[].typeIntegerType of suggested question.
data.suggestQuestionList[].answerObjectAnswer to the suggested question.
data.suggestQuestionList[].answer.contentStringContent of the suggested question's answer.
data.suggestQuestionList[].answer.typeIntegerType of the suggested question's answer.
data.suggestQuestionList[].answer.questionIdIntegerQuestion ID corresponding to the answer to the suggested question.
data.suggestQuestionList[].answer.idIntegerAnswer ID of the suggested question.
data.restrictionStateObjectInteraction limit state.
data.restrictionState.exceededFlagIntegerExceeding limit flag [0 normal/1 exceeded].
data.restrictionState.usedCountIntegerNumber of times used.
data.restrictionState.totalCountIntegerTotal limit.
data.aidIntegerID of the corresponding answer returned, effective when the question is a FAQ question.


$ curl 'https://km.udesk.cn/api/v1/assist?email=admin@udesk.cn&timestamp=1529402447&sign=c3168ff8ee9db4208d3a6f8a49d4bea7d4058ab3' -i -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -d '{
  "robotId" : 83,
  "channelId" : 83,
  "queryContent" : "Hello"
  "code" : 200,
  "message" : "OK",
  "visible" : false,
  "data" : {
    "ansContent" : "I am the robot.",
    "attachmentList" : [ ],
    "hitQuestion" : "Who are you?",
    "msgType" : "rich",
    "suggestQuestionList" : [ ],
    "aid" : 552

Smart Hint API

Request Endpoint

  • POST /v1/smartHint

Request Parameters

Request fields

sessionIdIntegerfalseSession ID.

Response Result

codeIntegertrueStatus code.
messageStringtrueReturn message.
dataObjecttrueReturned content.
data.smartTipListArraytrueList of smart hint questions.
data.smartTipList[].idIntegertrueIdentifier ID of the question.
data.smartTipList[].contentStringtrueContent of the question.
data.smartTipList[].typeIntegertrueQuestion type.
data.smartTipList[].answer.contentStringtrueAnswer content.
data.smartTipList[].answer.typeIntegertrueAnswer type.
data.smartTipList[].answer.questionIdIntegertrueQuestion ID corresponding to the answer.
data.smartTipList[].answer.idIntegertrueAnswer ID.


$ curl 'https://km.udesk.cn/api/v1/smartHint?email=admin@udesk.cn&timestamp=1529402446&sign=a685c1c3881aebe59c79306ef6d288c25fab077b' -i -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -d '{
  "sessionId" : 450287,
  "keyword" : "social security"
    "code": 200,
    "message": "OK",
    "visible": false,
    "exception": null,
    "paging": null,
    "data": {
        "smartTipList": [
                "id": 8645,
                "content": "How to handle social security",
                "type": 1,
                "answer": {
                    "content": "<p>Call 12345</p>",
                    "type": 2,
                    "id": 4436

Reasons for Request Failure

  "code": 400,
  "message": "{Specific exception information}",
  "visible": false
The robot does not exist or has been deleted!The robot corresponding to the robotid does not exist.
The scene does not existThe scene corresponding to the channelId does not exist.
【...】javax.validation.constraints.NotNull.message【Specific field】cannot be empty.

Switch to Manual Notification API

Request Endpoint

  • PUT /v1/sessions/:id/switchStaff

Request Parameters

Path parameters

idIntegerfalseSession ID of this session.

Response Result

codeIntegerExecution status code.
messageStringExecution result message.


$ curl 'https://km.udesk.cn/api/v1/sessions/451718/switchStaff?email=admin@udesk.cn&timestamp=1529402455&sign=d4be213127c62bb5b53dea5f5e52eaad06b2362f' -i -X PUT -H 'Accept: application/json'
  "code" : 200,
  "message" : "OK",
  "visible" : false