
Hello, welcome to use the udesk WeChat customer label acquisition API function. Note: After the configuration in this document takes effect, customer service can see the customer's tags in the session list when the WeChat customer initiates a session.

Basic Usage

Step 1: Configure push settings

Log in to the Udesk customer service system administrator account, go to Admin Center -> Management -> Alert Target -> New -> Fill in Name, URL, Method POST, Content Type JSON

Step 2: Select push configuration

Log in to the Udesk customer service system administrator account, go to Admin Center -> Channel Management -> WeChat -> Management -> Other Settings -> Select Alert Target

Customer Tag Acquisition

Interface Description

  1. The customer sends a message requesting this API for the first time (it will not request repeatedly within 12 hours).
  2. This interface must respond within 500ms, and it will be considered unavailable if it times out.

Push Parameter Description

Parameter NameDescriptionTypeExplanation
openidWeChat customer's openidString
timestampRequest timestampInteger10-digit timestamp

Push Value Example

    "openid": "xxxxxx",
    "timestamp": 1569726558

Push Return Description

Parameter NameDescriptionTypeExplanation
tagCustomer tagStringMultiple tags are separated by commas "," in English

Push Value Example

    "tag": "test"